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CString 문자열 조작 메소드~~~ 오홍오홍~~

by 뿡뿡대마왕 2011. 9. 28.

c 위주로 하다보니 csting관련 메소드를 잘 몰라서...ㅠ_ㅠ..
할때 마다 찾기 귀찮귀~~

퍼온곳: http://blog.search.co.kr/tb.blog/41/380


CString class


CString  CObject에서 상속을 받지않고 Simple Value Types 하나이다.

CString object  문자들의 가변적인 길이의 연속으로 구성되고문자 배열보다 사용하기가 쉽다. CString TCHAR 데이터 타입을 기초로 하고 있다.


n          CString Class Members


Ø         Construction

CString   -              CString 생성자 ( CString :: CString )

CString( );

CString( const CString& stringSrc );                throw( CMemoryException );

CString( TCHAR ch, int nRepeat = 1 );              throw( CMemoryException );

CString( LPCTSTR lpch, int nLength );              throw( CMemoryException );

CString( const unsigned char* psz );              throw( CMemoryException );

CString( LPCWSTR lpsz );                            throw( CMemoryException );

CString( LPCSTR lpsz );                              throw( CMemoryException );



// example for CString::CString

CString s1;                    // Empty string

CString s2( "cat" );           // From a C string literal

CString s3 = s2;               // Copy constructor

CString s4( s2 + " " + s3 );   // From a string expression

CString s5( 'x' );             // s5 = "x"

CString s6( 'x', 6 );          // s6 = "xxxxxx"

CString s7((LPCSTR)ID_FILE_NEW); // s7 = "Create a new document"

CString city = "Philadelphia"; // NOT the assignment operator


Ø         The String as an Array

GetLength : 설정된 문자열의 길이를 리턴

int GetLength( ) const;

IsEmpty  문자열의 버퍼가 비워져 있는지를 검사

BOOL IsEmpty( ) const;

Empty : 문자열을 삭제하여 버퍼를 비운다.

void Empty( );

GetAt : 특정위치의 문자값을 얻는다.

TCHAR GetAt( int nIndex ) const;

operator []              

TCHAR operator []( int nIndex ) const


void SetAt( int nIndex, TCHAR ch );

operator LPCTSTR 

operator LPCTSTR ( ) const;


Ø         Assignment / Concatenation

Operator =

const CString& operator =( const CString& stringSrc );                        throw( CMemoryException );

const CString& operator =( TCHAR ch );                                      throw( CMemoryException );

const CString& operator =( const unsigned char* psz );                          throw( CMemoryException );

const CString& operator =( LPCWSTR lpsz );                                 throw( CMemoryException );

const CString& operator =( LPCSTR lpsz );                            throw( CMemoryException );


Operator +

friend CString operator +( const CString& string1, const CString& string2 );

throw( CMemoryException );

friend CString operator +( const CString& string, TCHAR ch );

throw( CMemoryException );

friend CString operator +( TCHAR ch, const CString& string );   

throw( CMemoryException );

friend CString operator +( const CString& string, LPCTSTR lpsz );

throw( CMemoryException );

friend CString operator +( LPCTSTR lpsz, const CString& string );

          throw( CMemoryException );


Operator +=

const CString& operator +=( const CString& string );                         throw( CMemoryException );

const CString& operator +=( TCHAR ch );                                       throw( CMemoryException );

const CString& operator +=( LPCTSTR lpsz );                                    throw( CMemoryException );




Ø         Comparison

Operator == <, etc

Compare : 대소문자 구분

int Compare( LPCTSTR lpsz ) const;

CompareNoCase : 대소문자 구분 안함

int CompareNoCase( LPCTSTR lpsz ) const;


int Collate( LPCTSTR lpsz ) const


int CollateNoCase( LPCTSTR lpsz ) const;


Ø         Extraction

Mid : 문자열의 중간부분을 추출한다.

CString Mid( int nFirst ) const;                throw( CMemoryException );

CString Mid( int nFirst, int nCount ) const;        throw( CMemoryException );

Left : 문자열의 왼쪽부분은 추출한다.

CString Left( int nCount ) const;                throw( CMemoryException );

Right : 문자열의 오른쪽부분을 추출한다.

CString Right( int nCount ) const;                throw( CMemoryException );

SpanIncluding :             포함된 문자를 추출

CString SpanIncluding( LPCTSTR lpszCharSet ) const        throw( CMemoryException );


CString SpanExcluding( LPCTSTR lpszCharSet ) const;        throw( CMemoryException );


Ø         Other Conversions

MakeUpper : 소문자를 대문자로 바꾼다.

void MakeUpper( );

MakeLower : 대문자를 소문자로 바꾼다.

void MakeLower( );

MakeReverse : 문자를 reverse 시킨다.

void MakeReverse( );


int Replace( TCHAR chOld, TCHAR chNew );

int Replace( LPCTSTR lpszOld, LPCTSTR lpszNew );

Remove : 문자를 제거한다.

int CString::Remove( TCHAR ch );


int Insert( int nIndex, TCHAR ch )    throw( CMemoryException );

int Insert( int nIndex, LPCTSTR pstr )  throw( CMemoryException );


int Delete( int nIndex, int nCount = 1 )  throw( CMemoryException );

Format : sprintf 비슷하다.

void Format( LPCTSTR lpszFormat, ... );

void Format( UINT nFormatID, ... );


void FormatV( LPCTSTR lpszFormat, va_list argList );


void TrimLeft( );

void CString::TrimLeft( TCHAR chTarget );

void CString::TrimLeft( LPCTSTR lpszTargets );


void TrimRight( );

void CString::TrimRight( TCHAR chTarget );

void CString::TrimRight( LPCTSTR lpszTargets );


void FormatMessage( LPCTSTR lpszFormat, ... );

void FormatMessage( UINT nFormatID, ... );


Ø         Serching

Find : 문자의 인덱스를 찾아 반환한다.

int Find( TCHAR ch ) const;

int Find( LPCTSTR lpszSub ) const;

int Find( TCHAR ch, int nStart ) const;

int Find( LPCTSTR pstr, int nStart ) const;

ReverseFind : 뒤에서부터 찾는다.

int ReverseFind( TCHAR ch ) const;


int FindOneOf( LPCTSTR lpszCharSet ) const;



Ø         Archive / Dump

Operator <<, Operator >>

friend CArchive& operator <<( CArchive& ar, const CString& string );   

throw( CArchiveException );

friend CArchive& operator >>( CArchive& ar, CString& string );    

 throw( CArchiveException );

friend CDumpContext& operator <<( CDumpContext& dc, const CString& string );


Ø         Buffer Access


LPTSTR GetBuffer( int nMinBufLength );  throw( CMemoryException );


LPTSTR GetBufferSetLength( int nNewLength ); throw( CMemoryException );


void ReleaseBuffer( int nNewLength = -1 );


void FreeExtra( );


LPTSTR LockBuffer( );


void UnlockBuffer( )

[출처] CString|작성자 하얀악마

